Notes from MIE1513 (2018 Fall) in University of Toronto. Professor is Scott Sanner.
Topic 1: Information Retrieval
1.A Introduction
Information Retrieval is finding material (usually documents) of an unstructured nature (usually text) that satisfies an information need from within large collections (usually stored on computers).
Collection: A set of documents.
Goal: Retrieve documents with information that is relevant to the user’s information need and helps the user complete a task.
Tracking Methods
- Term-document incidence Matrices: 1 if document contains term, 0 otherwise.
- Inverted Index: for each term t, store a sorted (easy to merge) list of all documents that contain t.
- Positional Index (easy for phrase query): In the postings, store, for each term the position(s) in which tokens of it appear.
Boolean Queries: Exact match. The boolean retrieval model is being able to ask a query that is a Boolean expression. Many search system like Email, library catelog, Mac OS X Spotlight still use boolean.
Good for expert users with precise understanding of their needs and the collection. Not good for the majority of users.
Problems with Boolean search: feast or famine. Boolean queries often result in either too few (=0) or too many (1000s) results.
IR vs. Databases (Structured vs. Unstructured data):
- Structured data typically allows numerical range and exact match (for text) queries.
- Unstructured data allows keyword queries including operators.
1.B Rank retrieval
- Jaccard coefficient: It doesn’t consider term frequency (how many times a term occurs in a document). Rare terms in a collection are more informative than frequent terms. Jaccard doesn’t consider this information.
- tfidf score:
- cosine similarity: Rank documents according to cosine similarity with query.
Bag of words model: Vector representation doesn’t consider the ordering of words in a document.
1.C Evaluation
Precision: Fraction of retrieved docs in collection that are retrieved.
Recall: Fraction of relevant docs in collection that are retrieved.
tp: relevant & retrieved.
tn: nonrelevant & not retrieved
fp: nonrelevant & retrieve
fn: relevant & not retrieveds
Topic 2: Machine Learning
Topic 3: Recommender System
Topic 4: Text Mining / Natual Language Processing
1. NLP Text Processing Pipeline
- Document -> Sections and Paragraphs
- Paragraphs -> Sentences (sentence segmentation / extraction)
- Sentences -> Tokens
- Tokens -> Lemmas or Morphological Variants / Stems
- Tokens -> Part-of-speech (POS) Tags
- Tokens, POS Tags -> Phrase Chunks (Noun & Verb Phrases)
- Tokens, POS Tags -> Parse Trees
Type: an element of vocabulary. The term “type” refers to the number of distinct words in a text, corpus etc. V = vocabulary = set of types.
Token: an instance of type in running text. The term “token” refers to the total number of words in a text, corpus etc, regardless of how often they are repeated. N = number of tokens.
Lemmatization: reduce inflections or variant forms to base form. Have to find correct dictionary headword form.
Stemming: reduce terms to their stems in information retrieval. Stemming is crude chopping of affixes.
Regular Expressions: A formal language for specifying text strings.
In NLP we are always dealing with these kinds of errors: false positives, false negatives.
- Increasing accuracy or precision (minimizing false positives).
- Increasing coverage or recall (minimizing false negatives).
2. Advanced NLP Processing
Part-of-speech tagging: a simple but useful form of linguistic analysis. The POS tagging problem is to determine the POS tag for a particular instance of a word.
Phrase Chunking: find all non-recursive noun phrases (NPs) and verb phrases (VPs) in a sentence.
Statistical Natual Language Parsing
Two views of linguistic structure:
- Constituency (phrase structure): Phrase structure organizes words into nested constituents.
- constituent: Constituent behaves as unit that can appear in different places (John talked [to the children] [about drugs].John talked [about drugs] [to the children].)
- Dependency structure: Dependency structure shows which words depend on (modify or are arguments of) which other words. Can derive dependency tree from parse tree
3. Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis is the detection of attitudes.
Scherer Typology of Affective States:
- Emotion: brief organically synchronized … evaluation of a major event: angry,sad,joyful,fearful,ashamed,proud,elated
- Mood: diffuse non-caused low-intensity long-duration change in subjective feeling: cheerful, gloomy, irritable, listless, depressed, buoyant
- Interpersonal stances: affective stance toward another person in a specific interaction: friendly,flirtatious,distant,cold,warm,supportive,contemptuous
- Attitudes: enduring, affectively colored beliefs, dispositions towards objects or persons: liking, loving, hating, valuing, desiring
- Personality traits: stable personality dispositions and typical behavior tendencies: nervous,anxious,reckless,morose,hostile,jealous
Analyse aspect:
- Holder (source) of attitude
- Target (aspect) of attitude
- Type of attitude
- From a set of types: Like,love,hate,value,desire,etc.
- Or (more commonly) simple weighted polarity: positive,negative,neutral,togetherwithstrength
- Text containing the attitude: Sentence or entire document
Baseline Algorithm
- Tokenization
- Feature extraction
- Classification using different classifiers (need to train a classifier per domain)
- Naive Bayes
- MaxEnt
- SVM (preform better than others)
Word occurrence may matter more than word frequency
Sentiment Lexicons
- The General Inquirer
- LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count)
- MPQA Subjectivity Cues Lexicon
- Bing Liu Opinion Lexicon
- SentiWordNet (do not use)
Analyzing the polarity of each word:
- Scaled likelihood:
Semi-supervised learning of lexicons: Use a small amount of information to bootstrap a lexicon. (Adjectives conjoined by “and” have same polarity, adjectivesconjoinedby“but”donot)
- Label seed set of 1336 adjectives
- Expand seed set to conjoined adjectives
- Supervised classifier assigns “polarity similarity” to each word pair.
- Clustering for partitioning the graph into two.
Turney Algorithm:
- Extract a phrasal lexicon from reviews
- Learn polarity of each phrase
- Positive phrases co-occur more with “excellent”
- Negative phrases co-occur more with “poor”
- Calculate the PMI of each words with “excellent” or “poor”
- Rate a review by the average polarity of its phrases
Mutual Information: between 2 random variables X and Y
Pointwise Mutual Information: How much more do events x and y co-occur than if they were independent?
P(word) estimated by hits(word)/N
P(word1,word2) by hits(word1 NEAR word2)/N^2
Polarity( phrase) = PMI( phrase, “excellent”) - PMI( phrase, “poor”)
Finding aspect/attribute/target of sentiment
- Frequent phrases + rules
- Find all highly frequent phrases across reviews (“fish tacos”)
- Filter by rules like “occurs right after sentiment word”
- The aspect name may not be in the sentence
- Supervised classification
- Hand-label a small corpus of restaurant review sentences with aspect
- Train a classifier to assign an aspect to a sentence
Hierarchical Clustering: Build a tree-based hierarchical taxonomy (dendrogram) from a set of documents.
- One approach: recursive application of a partitional clustering algorithm. Clustering obtained by cutting the dendrogram at a desired level: each connected component forms a cluster.
Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC):
- Starts with each doc in a separate cluster, then repeatedly joins the closest pair of clusters, until there is only one cluster.
- Closest pair of clusters:
- Single-link(distance of nearest points): Similarity of the most cosine-similar (single-link). Can result in “straggly” (long and thin) clusters due to chaining effect. For most applications, these are undesirable.
- Complete-link(distance of furthest points): Similarity of the “furthest” points, the least cosine-similar. Makes “tighter,” spherical clusters that are typically preferable. Notice that this dendrogram is much more balanced than the single-link one. We can create a 2-cluster clustering with two clusters of about the same size.
- Centroid: Clusters whose centroids (centers of gravity) are the most cosine-similar. The similarity of two clusters is the average intersimilarity – the average similarity of documents from the first cluster with documents from the second cluster.
- Average-link: Average cosine between pairs of elements
Topic 5: Data Science and Visualization
Beware: Spurious Correlations
Topic 6: Social Network Analyse
1. Examples of Problems in Social Networks
1.A. Small-world phenomena & Link Prediction
The small-world phenomenon — the principle that we are all linked by short chains of acquaintances, or “six degrees of separation” — is a fundamental issue in social networks; it is a basic statement about the abundance of short paths in a graph whose nodes are people, with links joining pairs who know one another.
— Math Awareness Month - April 2004
Link Prediction: Given a snapshot of a social network, can we infer which new interactons among its members are likely to occur in the near future?
- Measurements: “proximity” and “similarity” between two unconnected nodes.
- Applicaton Domains: social networks, friend recommendaton; product / webpage recommendaton; predictng academic collaboratons; predictng merger and acquisitons …
- Performance Measurements: use future held-out data, conversion rate.
1.B. Tracking Memes - What goes Viral?
1.C. Community Detection
Why detect communites?:
- Simplifed network structure and “big picture”
- Explain actons and positons
- Better predictons
What defines a community?
- Interacton
- Profle
- Dynamics
2. Data Representation
2.A. Adjacency Matrices
Representng edges (who is adjacent to whom) as a matrix
2.B. Edge List
1 | # edges |
2.C. Adjacency List
- Adjacency lists are easier to work with if network is large or sparse.
- Adjacency lists quickly retrieve all neighbors for a node.
4# node: list of adjacency nodes.
2: 3, 4
3: 2, 4
3. Computing Metrics
3.A. Path and distance
- Path: a walk (i1,i2,… ik) with each node ij distnct
- Cycle: a walk where i1 = ik
- Geodesic: a shortest path between two nodes
3.B. In/Out degree
- Indegree: how many directed edges (arcs) are incident on a node
- Outdegree: how many directed edges (arcs) originate at a node
- Degree (in or out): number of edges incident on a node
Calculation in Adjacency Matrix:
- Outdegress: summing the number of nonzero entries in the ith row.
- Indegree: summing the number of nonzero entries in the jth column.
3.C. Centrality
Betweenness: centrality capturing brokerage. (would have to go through you in order to intuition: how many pairs of individuals reach one another in the minimum number of hops?)
Betweenness Clustering (also known as Girvan–Newman algorithm)
Edge Betweenness:
- The “edge betweenness” of an edge as the number of shortest paths between pairs of nodes that run along it.
Algorithm Steps:
- The betweenness of all existing edges in the network is calculated first.
- The edge with the highest betweenness is removed while betweenness of any edge larger than threshold.
- The betweenness of all edges affected by the removal is recalculated.
- Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until no edges remain.
Problems with this algorithm:
- very expensive: all pairs shortest path – O(N^3)
- may need to repeat up to N times
- does not scale to more than a few hundred nodes, even with the fastest algorithms
PageRank Centrality: A technique for estimating page quality based on web link graph.
- Each page i is given a rank Xi
- Goal: Assign the Xi such that the rank of each page is governed by the ranks of the pages linking to it:
PageRank Sinks: If a webpage doesn’t have links to other webpages, after iterations, PageRank will be 0 for all webpages.
PageRank Hogs: If a webpage has a link to itself, after iterations, PageRank of this page will the sum of all other webpages.
Improved PageRank:
- Remove out-degree 0 nodes (or consider them to refer back to referrer)
- Add decay factor d to deal with sinksPageRank is useful, but vulnerable to black-hat SEO.
4. Link Prediction
Given G[t0,t’0] a graph on edges up to time t’0 output a ranked list L of links (not in G[t0,t’0]) that are predicted to appear in G[t1,t’1]
- n = |Enew|: number of new edges that appear during the test period [t1,t’1]
- Take top n elements of L and count correct edges.
Link Prediction via Proximity
- For each pair of nodes (x,y) compute score c(x,y) (number of common neighbors c(x,y) of x and y)
- Sort pairs (x,y) by the decreasing score c(x,y)
- Predict top n pairs as new links and see which of these links actually appear in G[t1,t’1]
Different scoring functions c(x,y) s
- Graph distance: (negated) shortest path length
- Common neighbors:
- Jaccard’s coefficient:
- Adamic/Adar:
- Preferential attachment:
- PageRank:
- rx(y) stationary distribution weight of y under the random walk:
- with prob. 0.15, jump to x
- with prob. 0.85, go to random neighbor of current node.
- rx(y) stationary distribution weight of y under the random walk: